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  2. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) 2020
  3. Industrial Ontologies Foundry
  4. Dublin Core Metadata Inituative (DCMI): Dublin CoreTM
  5. Dublin Core Metadata Inituative (DCMI): Expressing Dublin CoreTM metadata using the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
  6. Dublin Core Metadata Inituative (DCMI): Notes on DCMI specifications for expressing Dublin CoreTM metadata in RDF
  7. Commons Ontology Library
  8. Multiple Vocabulary Facility (MVF)
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  11. OMG: System Modeling Language® (OMG SysML®) Version 1.6
  12. OMG: Distributed Ontology, Model, and Specification Language™ (DOL™)
  13. OMG: MOF to RDF Mapping (MOF2RDF)
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  33. Shani, Uri: Can ontologies prevent MBSE models from becoming obsolete?, IBM Research Haifa, 2017, DOI:10.1109/SYSCON.2017.7934726
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